25-26 January
Tom Clarke and Stephen Scannell finished equal first in the Williamson Shield, drawing their individual encounter and winning all the rest of their games to finish with 5.5 points out of 6. Ian Woodfield, who was 3rd equal with Paul McLoughlin, won the Grading Prize.
Scannell (left) and Clarke holding the Williamson Shield |
In the Challengers, Ciaran Marron started with 4.5 out of 5 to go a full point ahead of the rest of the field. However a final round loss to David Grzymek (who won the Grading Prize) allowed Alex Beckett and Sean Linton to catch Marron and share first prize with him.
Grzymek (nearer camera) and Marron |
The Novices competition - a Rapidplay event held only on the second day of competition - was won by Chris Millar, with a perfect 8 points from his 8 games.
Williamson Shield Final Cross Table
No Name Rtg Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 CLARKE, TOM 2146 R.V.H. 5.5 17:W 4:W 2:D 13:W 7:W 5:W
2 SCANNELL, STEPHEN P. 2108 R.V.H. 5.5 18:W 5:W 1:D 12:W 3:W 7:W
3 WOODFIELD, IAN 1584 FISHERWICK 4 5:L 17:W 11:W 14:W 2:L 12:W
4 Mc LOUGHLIN, PAUL 1771 R.V.H. 4 14:W 1:L 7:L 17:W 12:W 8:W
5 Mac DONALD, FRED 1786 Q.U.B. 3.5 3:W 2:L 19:W 10:D 6:W 1:L
6 O' FEE, JAMES 1750 BANGOR 3.5 10:W 7:D 12:L 9:W 5:L 14:W
7 HOLMES, MICHAEL 2092 R.V.H. 3 16:W 6:D 4:W 0:D 1:L 2:L
8 Mc KENNA, JOHN 1721 R.V.H. 3 0:D 9:D 14:L 11:W 10:W 4:L
9 O' DONNELL, DAVID 1673 Q.U.B. 3 15:D 8:D 10:D 6:L 19:W 18:D
10 LOWRY-O'REILLY, HANNAH 1424 RATHMINES 3 6:L 0:W 9:D 5:D 8:L 16:W
11 MALLAGHAN, DANNY 1795 R.V.H. 3 13:D 12:D 3:L 8:L 17:W 19:W
12 MOORE, SAMUEL 1758 CIVIL SERVICE 2.5 19:W 11:D 6:W 2:L 4:L 3:L
13 LAVERY, DAMIEN 1612 R.V.H. 2.5 11:D 15:W 0:D 1:L 14:D 0:L
14 LYNCH, JOHN 1518 DERRY 2.5 4:L 16:W 8:W 3:L 13:D 6:L
15 Mc GRATH, BRENDAN Q.U.B. 2.5 9:D 13:L 17:L 18:W 16:L 0:W
16 Mc CANN, STEPHEN 1622 R.V.H. 2 7:L 14:L 18:D 19:D 15:W 10:L
17 CUNNINGHAM, DAMIEN 1657 R.V.H. 2 1:L 3:L 15:W 4:L 11:L 0:W
18 TRIGGS, ROBIN 1624 Q.U.B. 2 2:L 19:L 16:D 15:L 0:W 9:D
19 LEITCH, CALUM 1484 Q.U.B. 1.5 12:L 18:W 5:L 16:D 9:L 11:L
Michael Holmes (left) vs. Stephen Scannell |
Fred MacDonald (left) vs.Tom Clarke |
[Event "Williamson Shield"]
[Site "Belfast"]
[Date "2003.01.25"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Moore, Sam"]
[Black "O'Fee, James"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C01"]
[Annotator "McAlister"]
[PlyCount "53"]
[EventDate "2003.01.25"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "6"]
[EventCountry "IRL"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. exd5 exd5 5. Bd3 Nc6 6. Nge2 Bg4 7. f3 Bh5 8.
Ng3 Bg6 9. f4 Bxd3 10. Qxd3 Nf6 11. O-O Qd7 12. Re1+ Be7 13. Nf5 O-O-O 14.
Nxe7+ ({White loses the exchange if he takes the g-pawn -} 14. Nxg7 Bf8 15. Nf5
Nb4 16. Qh3 Nxc2 17. Be3 Nxa1 18. Rxa1) 14... Nxe7 15. a4 h5 16. a5 a6 17. b4
h4 18. b5 axb5 19. a6 bxa6 20. Rxa6 Kb7 21. Ra5 ({Also possible was} 21. Rxe7
Kxa6 (21... Qxe7 22. Qxb5+ Kc8 23. Ra8#) 22. Rxd7 Rxd7 23. Qxb5+) 21... c6 22.
Ba3 Nc8 23. Bc5 {[#]} Rde8 ({The toughest defence appears to be} 23... Qc7 24.
Rea1 Qxf4 25. Nxb5 Ne4 (25... cxb5 26. Qxb5+ Kc7 27. Ra7+ Nxa7 28. Rxa7+ Kc8
29. Qb7#) (25... Ng4 26. Nd6+ Nxd6 (26... Rxd6 27. Ra7+ Nxa7 28. Rxa7+ Kc8 ({or
} 28... Kb8 29. Qb3+ Kc8 30. Qb7+ Kd8 31. Ra8#) 29. Qa6+ Kd8 30. Bb6+ Ke8 31.
Qc8+ {and mate next move}) (26... Kc7 27. Ra7+ Nxa7 28. Rxa7+ Kb8 29. Qb3#) 27.
Ra7+ Kb8 (27... Kc8 28. Qa6+ Kb8 29. Qb6+ Kc8 30. Qc7#) 28. Bxd6+ Qxd6 29. Qb3+
Kc8 30. Qb7#) 26. Rf1 ({but not} 26. Rb1 Qf2+ 27. Kh1 Qe1+ 28. Rxe1 Nf2+ 29.
Kg1 Nxd3 30. cxd3 cxb5 31. Rxb5+ Kc6 {when Black might be able to survive})
26... Qg4 {Perhaps best play here would be} 27. Rb1 Nxc5 28. dxc5 Rd7 29. Nd6+
Kc7 30. Rb7+ Kd8 31. Nxf7+ Rxf7 32. Rxf7 h3 33. g3 Qe6 34. Rf1 {when White
emerges the exchange up but Black can still try to battle on.}) 24. Rb1 Nb6 25.
Nxb5 $1 Ne4 (25... cxb5 26. Raxb5 Re6 27. Rxb6+ Rxb6 28. Rxb6+ Kc7 29. Qa6 {
and Black cannot prevent mate}) 26. Nd6+ Nxd6 27. Qa6+ (27. Qa6+ {and now it
is mate in two after any defence:} Kb8 (27... Kc7 28. Qxb6+ (28. Bxb6+ Kb8 29.
Qa8#) 28... Kc8 29. Qb8#) 28. Qa8+ Kc7 29. Bxb6#) 1-0
Williamson Challengers Final Cross TableNo Name Rtg Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 MARRON, CIARAN 1581 R.V.H. 4.5 13:W 11:W 2:W 6:W 3:D 5:L
2 BECKETT, ALEXANDER 1413 FISHERWICK 4.5 17:W 10:W 1:L 12:W 6:D 9:W
3 LINTON, SEAN 1397 R.V.H. 4.5 0:D 14:W 7:D 13:W 1:D 6:W
4 HENDERSON, RON 1572 BANGOR 4 8:W 5:D 6:L 11:W 9:D 10:W
5 GRZYMEK, DAVID 1190 UNATTACHED 4 15:W 4:D 9:L 14:D 13:W 1:W
6 BLACK, CHRIS 1480 R.V.H. 3.5 18:W 9:W 4:W 1:L 2:D 3:L
7 DUNNE, STEPHEN DONEGAL 3.5 14:D 15:W 3:D 9:D 10:L 12:W
8 WALLS, EAMONN 1311 NORTH BELFAST 3.5 4:L 16:W 14:L 0:D 19:W 15:W
9 CLARKE, JOE 1585 NORTH BELFAST 3 12:W 6:L 5:W 7:D 4:D 2:L
10 PROCTOR, RICHARD 1541 BANGOR 3 19:W 2:L 13:L 17:W 7:W 4:L
11 BURNS, ALAN 1437 C.I.Y.M.S. 2.5 16:W 1:L 0:D 4:L 14:W 0:L
12 WOODFIELD, JONATHAN 1364 FISHERWICK 2.5 9:L 19:W 17:W 2:L 15:D 7:L
13 PEILE, ASHLEY 1350 Q.U.B. 2.5 1:L 18:W 10:W 3:L 5:L 14:D
14 STOREY, WILLIAM 1448 UNATTACHED 2.5 7:D 3:L 8:W 5:D 11:L 13:D
15 COLLINS, DAVID 1505 Q.U.B. 2.5 5:L 7:L 18:W 16:W 12:D 8:L
16 KELLY, LIAM DERRY JUNIORS 2.5 11:L 8:L 19:W 15:L 17:W 18:D
17 KERR, EIMEAR DERRY JUNIORS 2 2:L 0:W 12:L 10:L 16:L 19:W
18 HINDLEY, GEOFF 1122 CIVIL SERVICE 1.5 6:L 13:L 15:L 19:L 0:W 16:D
19 TURNBULL, ALLAN 1226 DERRY 1 10:L 12:L 16:L 18:W 8:L 17:L
Last round in the Challengers - from l to r Alex Beckett, Chris Black, Ciaran Marron and Joe Clarke |
Photographs courtesy of Damien Lavery
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