Williamson Shield 2011

Maynard Sinclair Pavilion
29-30 January 2011

Final Standings

Place Name Rtg Club Score Prize

1 Stephen Scannell 2080 Ballynafeigh 5.0 Winner
2-4 John Cairns 2025 Fisherwick 4.5 Second
Michael Waters 2075 Fisherwick 4.5 Second
Gareth Annesley 1974 RVH 4.5 Second
5-7 John Masterson 1896 RVH 4.0
Karina Kruk 1458 Ballynafeigh 4.0 Grading (U1600)
John Phillips 1521 unattached 4.0 Grading (U1600)
8-10 Mark Newman 1812 Bombardier 3.5
Danny Mallaghan 1772 Ballynafeigh 3.5
William Storey 1331 Lagan 3.5
11-17 Martin Kelly 1398 Fisherwick 3.0
Matthew Chapman 1139 Ballynafeigh 3.0 Grading (U1300)
Peter Storey 769 unattached 3.0 Grading (U1100)
Alan Burns 1366 Bangor 3.0
Stewart McConaghy 1485 Bombardier 3.0
Alexander Beckett 1308 Fisherwick 3.0
Raymond Smith 1262 RVH 3.0 Grading (U1300)
18-20 Roy Stafford 1240 Bombardier 2.5
Gary Johnston 1117 Bangor 2.5
Cathal Murphy 1216 RVH 2.5
21-23 Phillip Morrison 1061 RVH 2.0
George Jackson 1225 unattached 2.0
John Monaghan 1110 RVH 2.0
24-25 David Seaby 1088 Fisherwick 1.5
Geoff Hindley 967 Lagan 1.5
26 Paul Wilson 768 Bangor 0.5

Defending champions Cairns (left) and Waters
Cairns hands over the Shield to Scannell
The 2011 Champion with the Williamson Shield

No Name              Rtg  Total  1    2    3    4    5    6  

1 Stephen Scannell 2080 5 14:W 8:W 4:D 7:W 5:W 3:D
2 John Cairns 2025 4.5 17:W 7:W 3:D 4:W 8:D 5:D
3 Michael Waters 2075 4.5 16:W 9:W 2:D 5:D 6:W 1:D
4 Gareth Annesley 1974 4.5 18:W 15:W 1:D 2:L 14:W 8:W
5 John Masterson 1896 4 22:W 6:W 12:W 3:D 1:L 2:D
6 Karina Kruk 1458 4 13:W 5:L 19:W 18:W 3:L 9:W
7 John Phillips 1521 4 24:W 2:L 16:W 1:L 12:W 13:W
8 Mark Newman 1812 3.5 19:W 1:L 11:W 14:W 2:D 4:L
9 Danny Mallaghan 1772 3.5 23:W 3:L 10:W 0:D 11:W 6:L
10 William Storey 1331 3.5 0:D 11:D 9:L 19:D 24:W 18:W
11 Martin Kelly 1398 3 26:W 10:D 8:L 24:W 9:L 15:D
12 Matthew Chapman 1139 3 0:D 20:W 5:L 17:D 7:L 25:W
13 Peter Storey 769 3 6:L 22:W 14:L 0:W 16:W 7:L
14 Alan Burns 1366 3 1:L 25:W 13:W 8:L 4:L 22:W
15 Stewart McConaghy 1485 3 21:W 4:L 18:L 0:D 17:W 11:D
16 Alexander Beckett 1308 3 3:L 23:W 7:L 21:W 13:L 19:W
17 Raymond Smith 1262 3 2:L 24:D 25:W 12:D 15:L 21:W
18 Roy Stafford 1240 2.5 4:L 21:W 15:W 6:L 0:D 10:L
19 Gary Johnston 1117 2.5 8:L 26:W 6:L 10:D 25:W 16:L
20 Cathal Murphy 1216 2.5 0:D 12:L 24:L 25:L 23:W 26:W
21 Phillip Morrison 1061 2 15:L 18:L 26:W 16:L 0:W 17:L
22 George Jackson 1225 2 5:L 13:L 0:D 23:D 26:W 14:L
23 John Monaghan 1110 2 9:L 16:L 0:D 22:D 20:L 24:W
24 David Seaby 1088 1.5 7:L 17:D 20:W 11:L 10:L 23:L
25 Geoff Hindley 967 1.5 0:D 14:L 17:L 20:W 19:L 12:L
26 Paul Wilson 768 .5 11:L 19:L 21:L 0:D 22:L 20:L

[Event "Williamson Shield"] [Site "Belfast"] [Date "2011.01.30"] [Round "4"] [White "Cairns, John"] [Black "Annesley, Gareth"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C05"] [PlyCount "75"] [EventDate "2011.01.29"] [EventRounds "6"] [EventCountry "NIR"] 1. d4 e6 2. e4 d5 3. Nd2 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. Bd3 c5 6. c3 Nc6 7. Ngf3 cxd4 8. cxd4 Qb6 9. O-O Nxd4 10. Nxd4 Qxd4 11. Nf3 Qb6 12. Qa4 Qb4 13. Qc2 h6 14. a3 Qc5 15. Qe2 Qb6 16. b4 Be7 17. Be3 Qd8 18. Rfe1 a6 19. h3 b5 20. Rad1 Nb6 21. Nd4 Bd7 22. Qg4 Kf8 23. f4 h5 24. Qf3 g6 25. Rf1 Nc4 26. Bc1 Qb6 27. Bb1 Kg7 28. Kh1 a5 29. Qg3 axb4 30. axb4 Bxb4 31. f5 exf5 32. Bg5 Ra3 33. Bf6+ Kh7 34. Qg5 Re8 35. Nxf5 $1 Bf8 (35... Bxf5 36. Rxf5 $1 Bf8 (36... Ne3 37. Qxh5+ gxh5 38. Rxh5+ Kg8 39. Rh8#) 37. Qh4 {threatening Rxh5+} Rxe5 (37... Qe3 38. Rxh5+ Bh6 39. Bg5 Qxe5 40. Rxh6+ Kg7 (40... Kg8 41. Bf6 Qxf6 42. Qxf6 {with Rh8 mate to follow}) 41. Bf6+ Qxf6 42. Rh7+ Kg8 43. Qxf6 Kxh7 44. Qxf7+ Kh8 45. Bxg6 { with Qh7 mate to follow}) 38. Bxe5 Nxe5 39. Rxh5+ Kg7 40. Rh7+ Kg8 41. Rh8+ Kg7 42. Qh6+ Kf6 43. Qxf8) 36. Qxh5+ gxh5 37. Ne7+ Kh6 38. Ng8# 1-0

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